Doug Goodbrand
Senior Project Manager

Casual image of Doug Goodbrand

Doug Goodbrand

Senior Project Manager

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Doug brings a wealth of practical experience to his role. After completing a degree in Construction Management & Environment in the UK, Doug moved to New Zealand in 2012. Since that time he has worked in a Project Management capacity on a variety of complex projects, from commercial repairs and rebuilds to high-end residential buildings.

With strong organisational skills and a methodical approach, Doug is able to ensure that any given project will evolve effectively. With a solutions-orientated outlook, he is open to meeting unexpected challenges, and confident decision-making allows him to consistently find a way forward when complex issues do arise.

Doug has a solid foundation in stakeholder management, and he champions an approachable and direct communication style. He is a firm believer in being realistic and up-front about time-frames and challenges, and is always willing to go above and beyond for his clients.

“As Project Managers, we bring in the broad, overarching experience of multiple disciplines, which allows us to see things our clients can’t. At the end of the day we want to enable real change – and that means listening to multiple voices in order to make the best possible decisions.”
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